Thursday, September 23, 2010

Which Openings...

I am a strong supporter of the three rax opening for both TvP and TvZ match-ups, as most early tech can't keep up with the bio ball size, and stim can allow for devastation attacks and/or counter attacks. All this said, i was trying the 2 rax factory build against a friend of mine. I found that i couldn't be as offensive as i could with my three rax, but siege tanks transitioning to thors can be extremely effective for pushing out against a wide variety of techs. Now much of this is common knowledge, but i always find it interesting what sort of trade-offs and advantages there are to each type of opening. I may also try the 111 build, but i dona't like the susceptibility to all ins that i am often left with.

On another note, i annihilated a toss using a bio ball MASS raven build with fully upgraded building and raven tech... lets just say stalkers don't mean shit if they  literally can't hit anything...and zealots can't kill a turret..